Classes & Inheritance

We already know that Python is based on the concept of OOP, or Object-Oriented Programming. Almost everything in Python is an object -- even functions are objects! Classes, and their facilitation of inheritance, are one of the most important and valuable Python objects. In this section, we'll cover:

  • Class structure
  • Class attributes
  • Class methods
  • The __init__() method
  • The self keyword
  • Class vs. instance variables
  • Class instantiation
  • Inheritance and child classes

High-Level Overview

Creating & Structuring Classes

A class is essentially a data structure that serves as a blueprint for categorizing other objects and storing metadata about them. Once you have your "blueprint", you can create new instances of that class, which store unique metadata values.

Creating a class is similar to defining a function. You start with the class keyword and then specify a name for the class. Note that class names are generally the only objects, which use a CamelCase notation naming convention. For example, if you were a zoologist, you might create a class called Animal. Each instance might represent a type of animal at your zoo.

# Define a class called Animal
class Animal:
    # attributes
    # methods
    # etc ...

# Create the most basic instance
chameleons = Animal()

Before we go into the details of thoroughly defining a class, let's isolate some basic elements and concepts to get a general understanding of them.

Attributes & Methods

Each piece of a class's metadata is called an attribute. Once you have your "blueprint", you can create new instances of that class, which stores unique attribute values. As a zoologist, you would want define your Animals class so that it could store attributes of each type animal at your zoo such as species, natural habitat, etc..

class Animal:
    kingdom = 'Animalia' # attribute
    # some other code...

In addition to attributes, classes also contain custom methods. Methods are essentially functions that belong to the class. You can call a function without referencing any other object, but to call a method, you need to reference its class. Thus, all methods are functions, but not all functions are methods. We've already used some List methods like my_list.pop(), my_list.append(), my.list.insert(index), etc.. When you create a class, you can define methods to serve as shortcuts for actions you might want to call frequently on instances of your class.

class Animal:
    # some other code...

    def method1(self): # method
        # some action

Once you've defined attributes and methods, here's how you call them on your class instance:

chameleons = Animal() # Create the instance.

print(chameleons.kingdom) # 'Animalia'

chameleons.method1() # This completes the defined method operations.

Inheritance Basics

Classes can inherit attributes and methods from other classes according to a parent-child class hierarchy. Naturally, a child class inherits from a parent class. When you define a brand new class, Python 3 implicitly uses the generic, built-in object as the parent class. That means, whether we explicitly see it or not, every parent class is also the child class of its own parent class!

In the context of our zoo example, the different instances of Animal each store general information about a certain type of animal. Imagine you want to expand on an instance of Animal called elephants. In order to document information about each elephant at the zoo, you might create an Elephant class that inherits from your Animal class. To do so, you use this general syntax:

class Elephant(Animal):
    # attributes
    # methods
    # etc ...

Although the child class has access to everything defined for its parent class, the child class can also override or extend the parent class's traits and behavior. Note that this does NOT redefine the parent class. The new attributes and methods the child class declares apply only to instances of the child class. Parent class instances still adhere to the original parent class specs. For example:

class Animal:
    category = 'Animals'
    # etc ...

class Toucan(Animal):
    category = 'Birds'
    # etc ...

If you wanted, the Toucan class could simply inherit the category class attribute from its parent class Animal. In this case, every instance of Toucan would would have the same value for category -- Animals. However, it makes sense that you'd want to differentiate further for the child class Toucan. To do that, you'd simply override category when you define Toucan by setting its value to Birds.

The init() Method & the self Keyword

When you create a new instance of your Class, you might want to it to exist in some default state. For example, you might want to initially assign default values for its attributes. In Python terms - when you instantiate a new instance object, you initialize it with pre-defined default values.

The init() method is where you give instructions for how you want each instance to exist in its initial state. Every time you instantiate a new instance object of your Class, you automatically invoke the __init__() method. That means when you create a new Class, the first thing you want to do is create its __init__() method. In general, the syntax looks like this:

class Animal():
    def __init__(self):
        # ...

Notice we used the same notation as we did for defining functions. The __init__() method must have at least one argument, including the self variable. The self variable serves as a reference to the current instance of the class, and it must be the first parameter of any method in a class, including the __init__() method.

Class vs. Instance Variables

Now we can get to the good stuff! As you define attributes and methods for your class, keep in mind their scope. If you want a certain attribute or method to be shared by ALL instances of a class, define it as a class variable. If you instead want it to be unique to each instance, define it as an instance variable. Before we see this in context, we first have to understand the two most basic elements of every Python class...

The init() Method & the self Keyword

When you create a new instance of your Class, you might want to it to exist in some default state. For example, you might want to initially assign default values for its attributes. In Python terms - when you instantiate a new instance object, you initialize it with pre-defined default values.

The init() method is where you give instructions for how you want each instance to exist in its initial state. Every time you instantiate a new instance object of your Class, you automatically invoke the __init__() method. That means when you create a new Class, the first thing you want to do is create its __init__() method. In general, the syntax looks like this:

class Animal():
    def __init__(self):
        # ...

Notice we used the same notation as we did for defining functions. The __init__() method must have at least one argument, including the self variable. The self variable serves as a reference to the current instance of the class, and it must be the first parameter of any method in a class, including the __init__() method.

NOTE! Any methods defined inside the __init__() method will NOT be called upon instantiation.

Class Definition Example 1 - Basic Elements in Context

Now that we've isolated each key component of classes, let's put everything together by completing the code for our zoology scenario. At the highest level, we define a class called Animal. The annotated code below illustrates how each key structural element we covered above fits into this task.

class Animal: # A.
    def __init__(self, species = '', diet= ''): # B. 
        self.species = species # C. = diet # C.

    kingdom = 'Animalia' # D.

    def my_kingdom(self):

    def feed_me(self): # E.
        if == 'omnivore':
            food = 'plants and meat'
        elif == 'carnivore':
            food = 'meat'
        elif == 'herbivore':
            food = 'plants'
        print(f'{self.species} eat {food}!')
        return None

A. Animal is a child class of object as well as a potential parent class. B. Every time we instantiate a new class object, the __init__() method will automatically be called to initialize the instance's values. C. Each instance of the Animal class will store unique values for the instance attributes species and diet. By default these will be blank or Nonetypes, but each instance can have its own unique values for them. D. ALL instances of the Animal class will have the kingdom class attribute with the value Animalia. E. We can call instance methods my_kingdom and feed_me on ANY instance of the Animal class. Note! In my_kingdom, we access the class variable kingdom, but still reference it using self.

Class Definition Example 2 - Child Classes & Inheritance

Let's go into some more detail with a new child class for Animal. In the Elephant class below, we define __init__() method and its parameters, class attributes, and instance methods with the same syntax used for any class we might create. There are a few key differences annotated in the comments below.

class Elephant(Animal): # A.
    def __init__(self, name, genus = '', species = '', habitat = '', age = None): # B. = name
        self.genus = genus
        self.species = species
        self.habitat = habitat
        self.age = age
        self.taxonomy = {'Kingdom': Animal.kingdom, 'Class': self.common_taxonomy['Class'], 'Family': self.common_taxonomy['Family'], 'Genus': self.genus, 'Species': self.species} # C.

    diet = 'Herbivore' # D.

    common_taxonomy = {
    'Class': 'Mammalia',
    'Family': 'Elephantidae',

    def summary(self):
      print(f'All about {} -')
      print(f'Elephant, age {self.age}\nHabitat: {self.habitat}\nDiet: {}\n\nTaxonomy:')
      for k,v in self.taxonomy.items():
        print(f'{k}: {v}')

A. Declares Elephant as a child class of Animal by adding Animal into it as a definition parameter.

B. Notice that even though taxonomy is not a parameter for the __init__() method, we can still define it as an instance attribute upon every instantiation.

C. If you look closely, you'll see that the values for taxonomy all come from different places.

  • Some of the taxonomy attributes are inherited from Animal; while
  • some are constant class attributes across all elephants; and
  • others are instance attributes unique to each elephant at the zoo.

This is a great opportunity to dissect the syntax for referencing attributes from different sources.

D. Here's a potential "gotcha". Remember that the Animal class also had an attribute called diet? Elephant does NOT inherit the diet attribute's value from Animal. Why? Two reasons:

  • First, Elephant defines diet as a class attribute for itself. This would supercede any variable called diet from the parent class.
  • Second, for Animal, diet is an instance attribute. Even if Elephant didn't define any type of attribute called diet for itself, a child class never inherits the instance attributes from their its parent.

Class Instantiation & Modification

Now we'll create the first instance of the Elephant class. To do so, you would pass arguments for the __init__() parameters defined above. This automatically invokes the __init__() method and assigns the values of the arguments you passed to your new instance attributes. Note that the name argument is required, but the rest are optional. Their values will default to empty strings if no argument for them is passed.

elephant1 = Elephant('Felicia', 'Elephas', 'Elephas maximus', '', 38)
# Notice we passed the default empty string for the habitat argument.

You can access or modify any instance attribute like so:

# Access
print( # Felicia

# Add value for an empty attribute
print(elephant1.habitat) # empty string by default
elephant1.habitat = 'Asian forests'

# Update an existing attribute value
print(elephant1.age) # 38
elephant1.age = 39 # Update the value of the age attribute.
print(elephant1.age) # 39

# Define a new instance attribute, which will apply only to elephant1.
elephant1.weight_pounds = 6000

Finally, here's what happens when we call the summary() instance method:


# Here's the output
All about Felicia -
Elephant, age 38
Habitat: Asian forests
Diet: Herbivore

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Family: Elephantidae
Genus: Elephas
Species: Elephas maximus

Checking Class Values

In case someone who is not an expert zoologist like you needs to access the zoo's database of animals, that person could use the isinstance() function is used to determine if an instance is also an instance of a certain parent class. For this example, imagine you have already also defined another class called Toucan with the same input variables as our Elephant class.

# Is elephant1 an instance of Animal()?
print(isinstance(elephant1, Animal)) # True

# Is toucan1 an instance of Elephant()?
print(isinstance(toucan1, Elephant)) # False

Review of Classes & Inheritance

  • A class outlines a set of attributes and methods, which will help categorize other objects.
  • To add objects to the class, you declare them as an instance of that class.
  • Class variables store values belonging to ALL instances of a class, whereas instance variables store values unique to each instance.
  • The init() method is where you give instructions for how you want each instance to exist in its initial state. Every time you instantiate a new instance object of your Class, you automatically invoke the __init__() method.
  • The self variable serves as a reference to the current instance of the class, and it must be the first parameter of any method in a class, including the __init__() method.
  • Child classes can inherit attributes and methods from parent classes.
  • Child classes can also override parent attributes and behaviors without redefining the parent class.

Practice Problems